Member Governments
The Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) is an intergovernmental organization consisting of the following member entities:
City of Pueblo
County of Pueblo
Board of Water Works
School District No. 60
School District No. 70
Pueblo West Metropolitan District
Colorado City Metropolitan District
Salt Creek Sanitation District
The sixteen voting members of PACOG consist of the seven City Council members, three County Commissioners, and one member each from the Water Board, both School Boards, the two Metropolitan Districts, and Salt Creek Sanitation District. The Co-Executive Directors of PACOG are the City Mayor and County Attorney. The Director of the Pueblo County Department of Planning and Development serves as PACOG's Manager. Among other functions, PACOG serves as an urban transportation planning organization. Both the long-term and short-term transportation plans are acted upon by PACOG and prepared on behalf of PACOG by the City’s Transportation Planning staff.
Mr. Brett Boston
Mr. Roger Gomez
Mr. Joseph Latino
Ms. Sarah Martinez
Mr. Dennis Flores
Mr. Mark Aliff
Ms. Regina Maestri
Mr. Miles Lucero
Ms. Paula McPheeters
Mr. Zachary Swearingen
Mr. Mike Cafasso
Mr. William Tebow
Mr. Christopher DeLuca
Mr. Harry Hochstetler
Mr. Doug Proal
Mr. Edward Gutierrez
Mr. Terry A. Hart
Mr. David Russell
Ms. Carla Sikes
Ms. Heather Graham
Ms. Sabina Genesio
Ms. Carmen Howard
Ms. Wendy Pettit
Pueblo City Council
Pueblo City Council
Pueblo City Council
Pueblo City Council
Pueblo City Council
Pueblo City Council (Chair)
Pueblo City Council
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Board of County Commissioners
Pueblo Board of Water Works
Pueblo School District No. 60
Pueblo School District No. 70 (Vice-Chair)
Colorado City Metropolitan District
Pueblo West Metropolitan District
Salt Creek Sanitation District
Region 10 CDOT Commissioner
2030 Commission Chairperson
PACOG Attorney
City of Pueblo - Mayor
PACOG Co-Executive Director
PACOG Manager
Regional Planning Coordinator
The Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) is authorized to receive Federal and State funds for programs including regional land use planning, water quality, and transportation. The County Department of Planning and Development, through the County’s delegation agreement with PACOG, administers its regional land use planning, administrative work tasks, and water quality planning. PACOG is also the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for regional transportation planning. The City’s Urban Transportation Planning Division (UTPD), through the City’s delegation agreement with PACOG, provides transportation planning services. The City’s UTPD provides short-term and long-term transportation planning services through PACOG’s adopted Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).
Budget: The PACOG 2025 budget resolution was approved by PACOG at its
December 12, 2024 meeting.