Efficient freight movement is a key component of a well-functioning transportation system. Commodity flows using the various freight modes available in the Pueblo region support industry, manufacturing, agriculture, and retail, and they also provide a framework for the growth of commerce and trade. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG) are equally responsible for ensuring that freight planning is incorporated into the transportation planning process, both to fulfill planning requirements and to build the economic strength of the state and region. CDOT and PACOG have systematically incorporated freight into their planning activities by:
Defining those elements of a metropolitan area's transportation system that are critical for the efficient movement of freight.
Identifying ways to measure system performance in terms of freight movement.
Developing freight-oriented data collection and modeling to identify problems and develop potential solutions.
Creating and supporting freight advisory committees to advocate for freight issues, including the identification of bottlenecks in the freight network.
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